Saturday, May 31, 2008

Green Smoothies!


I have a hard time getting in enough leafy greens each day ~ I don't eat salads much unless someone makes it for me. Just one of those weird things, I guess. But someone told me this idea to get those greens in and it is SO easy and really really yummy! I have been drinking at least one a day for a week now. Here is how I make it:

8 oz Apple juice
1 or 2 handfuls of fresh baby spinach
frozen strawberries
fresh banana

Blend all together in the blender until smooth and pour!

It comes out looking green, because of the spinach, but you only taste the fruit. You can use pretty much any kind of fruit or juice that you like and it is WAY less expensive, and as good tasting as "Super Food."

Next I am going try adding plain flavored protein powder to it, to make it a more complete meal for breakfast. I am hoping it wont change the flavor too much. I'll let you know!


I was laying in bed this morning thinking about nesting, wondering exactly WHAT is nesting supposed to be anyway? Am I nesting yet? Am I supposed to be nesting yet? Does everyone nest in the same way? I am up for feedback, but this is kinda the conclusion I have come to: My nesting is a different kind of nesting, or at least I think it is. I thought of nesting as a kind of hunting and gathering/fixing up babies room kind of thing. I have done a little bit of that, but not too much. I realized today that the kind of nesting I am doing is ... well, I guess it could be called small-project-remodeling nesting. And my mom and I are both doing it. We are thinking of all the little projects that need to be done or that we want to be done, and just trying to tackle one or two at a time. Take, for instance, the floor. We ripped out carpet and painted the floor. Next! Repainting the kitchen. Then, finishing touches here and there - repainting doors and trim where it needs it, stuff like that. And windows and doors where they are needed first.

It all probably has to do something, also, with the fact that my Dad is gone, so we can do whatever we want uninterrupted, and without bothering him while he is working. It seems really strange in a way, but at the same time, it is just "us."

And on a very happy note ... I am spending a day at the pool today with my Mom (AKA Super G), my sister and her kiddos, and my brother, for a mini baby shower. It is going to be fun! Cant wait! Woohoo!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

So, I am well into 2nd qtr of Nursing school. Seriously, I don't know what I was so afraid of!

This month has been full of getting ready for baby ... registry, getting really generous gifts from friends, and doing a little shopping. People have asked me how I am, if I am scared etc etc etc. I'm not ... that is the only thing that kinda freaks me out, is that I am not freaking out. I guess that means one of two things: I am either super-mentally-ready, or super-naive! We will see which one applies ....

One interesting piece of news ~ I may be 2 weeks further along than we originally thought. So now it could be end of June - mid-July. Sweet! The less time I can't breathe the better!!!

I wish I was the avid reader that H is ... I kinda envy that of her. For now, my reading list includes Nursing Research, Nursing Foundations, Pharmacology Calculations, Davis' Drug Guide (a really interesting read if you take any medications!) and baby related stuff ....

So, that's all I have for now ... more later.