Friday, March 7, 2008

In the beginning ...

were all my friends and their various lovely, entertaining and challenging blogs.

I decided quite a while ago that I need another creative outlet, and somewhere to vent about not-so-loveable nursing insrtuctors or stretch marks from time to time. So why not here?!

I will add more later, but just to start, thanks to my sister Heather and my friend Don for their inspiring blogs which encouraged me to "get out there."

I just want to say, I have been through my first 9 weeks of nursing school and have gotten myself into a nice little rhythm - aside from a few projects, it has been a steady 2 quizzes a week, 1 major exam a week and a paper every other week or so. Not so bad, right? YEESH!
Next week, I have 2 exams on top of the regular stuff. The first one is a practical exam in which I have to do a full head to toe health assessment/exam in half an hour ... including all the cranial nerves. YIKES! And then the following week I have my final exams ... 4 of them to be precise. OMG! I have not taken that many tests in one week in a LONG time!!! I know I got myself into this, but how do I get out now?!

OK thats all I have time for right now ......

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