Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I forgot I have a blog...

"Real life" got in the way and I spaced it completely. I should probably set a reminder for myself. What else is new?! My mom was teasing me today that I am going to forget to feed Sofia. God I hope not!!

H reminded me today ~ thanks!

I still dont have much to say. For all the thinking I do, you would think I'd have more to say than hurry up summer!

I would like to say, though, that I think I am getting a little wiser (probably very little, but every little bit helps!) in my old-ish age. I recently met (sort of) this guy who is Orthodox, lives in Arizona, seems nice, is semi-well put together as far as his life is concerned. He showed a great deal of interest in getting to know me, despite my current circumstances ~ that by itself surprised me! He then revealed something to me, that I had already had suspicions about, but that I didn't want to make assumptions about. He is divorced and his previous marriage ... well, it was not pretty. I must say that I admire his courage for being so honest with me and I appreciate that. At the same time there are things that scare me to death!! One of my greatest (I think) life lessons has been to PAY ATTENTION when my intuition is bothering me about something. I would make excuses and feel guilty for not doing whatever (with the possibility of hurting someone else's feelings) and I would end up being the one getting hurt. It is hard to say to someone who you like on some level that there is something about them or something about their life (even in the past) that you cant accept or cant get past. But I think it is much better to do that than risk that potential (maybe likely?) harm down the road - to either person. And I have someone else to think about at this point! So, all of that is the long way of saying that I am kinda proud of myself for paying attention, and for acting on it.

I thought that breaks were supposed to be breaks. I feel like I have been more busy on break than I was when I was in class! And yet, I am begging this week to slow down. Monday is coming WAY too fast!!

I am reading a book a friend of mine ordered from Amazon for me. While on break from school I refuse to read anything I don't enjoy thoroughly. (I have to read enough dry material that is not always so enjoyable for 11 weeks straight - I think I deserve a little reading for pleasure!) This book is called The Tales of Secret Egypt. It is an old collection of short stories - mysteries - set in the 20's (?) in Egypt. It seems ancient! But the stories are great!! You just have to get used to the language.

Oh, for anyone who likes to cook healthy stuff, and likes really easy healthy stuff ... ever heard of vita-mix? It is the blender they use to make Jamba Juice. They were selling them at Costco and they made this really delicious Tortilla soup - yes in a blender! It was really yummy! So I found the recipe on their website and tried it in my regular (not $400) blender and guess what ... it worked! So, for anyone who would like to try it out, here is a link to their website with all the recipes. I also made the broccoli cheese soup - also very yummy! It just needs to stand a little while to thicken.

I am still awaiting my chance to go to the beach. Permanently. I am jealous of Riley and his easy life. I'll take him with me. We can all be beach bums together!

Pray for 75 degrees on Saturday! Woohoo Spring Fling!

1 comment:

h west said...

wow. that's the gamut alright.